Thursday, December 30, 2010

[IC] Unbelieverpool ( Liverpool 0-1 Wolves )

Poorpool, lose against to little wolves. A dreaming Torres with suck tactic. I am sure Hogson already done his best and should leave liverpool. Good luck to liverpool. 991~

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

[艺术爆庞] 震撼32D超立体世界纪录视觉 ( World Record )




[IC] 油特首同MC安一齐RAP !! ( Chelsea , Ancelotti )

Poor Chelsea had draw/lose at last 6 match. Chelsea boss had received a 3-1 lose to Arsenal Christmas present from Ancelotti. 991~ 

Monday, December 27, 2010

[四格] Angry Birds Tevez ( Man city vs Newcastle )

Boxing day Manchester city versus Newcastle , Carlos Tevez has score twice and help his team 3-1 take down Newcaslte. Tevez bring trouble , or without Tevez will more trouble to Mancini ? i think you should know the answer. 991~

[Car] 正义之师 - 大黄蜂 ( Camaro )

A night view of hero - Transformer Bumble Bee. 5th generation of Camaro shot by Edward.  991~

Saturday, December 25, 2010

[respect系列] 一个马来西亚既重要性 ( Malaysia )

原来我地得一个马来西亚,如果伟大既首相冇讲,我到宜家都以为我地有几个马来西亚.咩係一个马来西亚,我到宜家都没知係咩意思,我相信有好多人同我一样都唔知条契弟到今时今日所讲既一个马来西亚,satu malaysia係咩野来?..吃得?讲咗好威?定係想话俾人地知得一个马来西亚,所以好值钱!?但直到今早,我终于领悟到尼句潮语Satu Malaysia真谛,就係自从有咗Satu Malaysia既出现,先知道Malaysia Boleh原来係咁有深度.

N年前,马医生创造咗一代潮语"Malaysia Boleh" 个近时,你净听到个Boleh就已经知道马来西亚係几咁有前景,一片光明,人人充满希望,d马产唔洗做工都有钱拿,个个官员面带笑容,人民包容性爆嗮灯.咁和平,道德观念爆庞既国家点可以唔boleh啊..

言归正传,其实"一个马来西亚"係非常有意思咖,多元种族,日日渴望种族融洽既马来西亚真係认真可爱.有几认真?就係班契弟用尽方法融咗我地班唐人,仲好斯文咁将我地d财产分俾一个马来西亚种族(公平公正,大公无私),仲用好婉转既方法同你讲其实马来西亚得一个种族,所以得一个马来西亚.你係马来西亚出生,但係你唔係真正马来西亚人(bumi putra),係咪好唔明我讲紧d咩咧?其实我都唔係好明自己讲紧d咩.去到外国,人地问我係边到人,我会同佢讲"我唔係马来西亚人".我地要尊敬Satu Malaysia,点解?!因为原本你已经唔係马来西亚人,如果仲冇埋马来西亚,你就变成唔係人,所以你话satu malaysia 重唔重要?

但係大家千其唔好惊,因为我地有马华照住. 马华天生正义行头,拔刀相助,咁多年来马华为我地唐人做咗咁多野,劳心劳力咁为华人唐人付出,如果唔係马华既帮助,你宜家仲坐住德国鬼车咋!!如果唔係马华,你边会有咁好既生活质素?! 一个马来西亚只係一个新马来西亚既开始,我地e d唔係马来西亚人唔理得咁多咖啦...新既一年,唔好再祝新年快乐啦,係时候祝新年好运!! 991~

Friday, December 24, 2010

[型爆] 志龙 & T.O.P clash ( Big Bang , High High )

GD and T.O.P Big bang member was release their new full album at 24/12. T.O.P. showcases his vocals for the rock song, “OH MOM“, which tells the story of T.O.P’s real fan encounter. G-Dragon’s solo track, “What Do You Want Me To Do?” has a rock & roll rhythm with an accompanying comical rap. 991~
(Click here for down)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

[當年记] 8+9 物浦进球效应席卷英超. ( Torres , Gerrard )

 8 and 9 of Liverpool , the formula of goal and wining a game for Liverpool last few season. El nino and fantastic captain is a champion hope for Liverpool. They make a nice combo and break through opponent goal. But at 2010/11 season, we saw they both always look helpless on pitch , how and what need by Liverpool for summon back powerful combo 8+9 ? Will Rafa Benitez back Liverpool for challenge the big4 and excite 8+9 ? Or buy a world class player for supporting 8+9 ?

Monday, December 20, 2010

[全世界热烈的唱] I Just Had Sex ( Lonely Island feat Akon )

New Lonely Island funky style song ,It’s called “I Just Had Sex,” and those are also most of the lyrics. It includes Andy Samberg and his special guests Lonely Island, Akon, Jessica Alba, John McEnroe, and Blake Lively. 991~ ( Lyric at bottom )

Sometimes (ooohhh)
Something beautiful happens in this world
You don’t know how to express yourself
(and lonely island)
You just gotta sing…
I just had sex…
…and it felt so good!
a woman let me put my penis inside of her!
I just had sex..
…and I’ll never go back.. the not-havin’-sex ways of the past
Have you ever had sex?
I have-it felt great!
It felt so good when i did it with my penis
a girl let me do it
It literally just happened..
Havin’ sex can make a nice man out the meanest!
never guess where i just came from-
I had sex!
if I had to describe the feeling
it was the best!
when I had the sex, man my penis felt great!
and I called my parents right after I was done
oh hey, didn’t see you there-
Guess what I just did!
Had sex, undressed-
Saw her boobies and the rest
Was sure nice of her to let you do that thing
Nice of any girl ever-
now sing!
I just had sex…
…and it felt so good!
a woman let me put my penis inside of her!
I wanna tell the world!
to be honest I’m surprised she even wanted me to do it
Doesn’t really make sense-
but man, screw it!
I ain’t one to argue with a good thing
she could be my wife-
That good?
He best 30 seconds of my life!
I’m so humbled by a girl’s ability to let me do her
‘Cuz honestly i’d have sex with a pile of manure
with that in mind, the soft, nice smellin’ girls better
‘Cuz she let me wear my chain and my turtle neck sweater
so this one’s dedicated to them girls…
That let us flop around on top of them!
If you’re near or far, whether short or tall..
We wanna thank you all for lettin’ us f-ck you!
She kept lookin’ at her watch-
(doesn’t matter had sex!)
But I cried the whole time-
(doesn’t matter had sex!)
I think she might’ve been a racist-
(doesn’t matter had sex!)
She put a bag on my head-
(still counts!)
I just had sex
and my dreams came true!
(dreams came true)
So if you had sex in the last 30 minutes then you’re qualified to sing with me!
I just had sex
(everybody sing!)
and it felt so good!
(we all had sex!)
A woman let me put my penis inside of her
(I wanna tell the whole world!)
I just had sex and I’ll never go back
(never go back!)
to the not-having-sex ways of the past
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