Sunday, October 31, 2010

[模特] ANATA 男人幫最佳新聞氣質美女

出生日期 1989-10-18
星座 天秤座
血型 A
" O8 S% f  `' f身高 165 CM
& ^: B) Q3 L! ]2 ~體重 43 KG

[哈日分享] 靚聲日本組合 - flumpool

今天得空,介紹一個日本團體給大家 flumpool. 可能你們還沒聽過他們,但他們現在在日本相當的夯.兩年前,我追日劇bloody monday(三浦春馬)的時候,裡面的主題曲是flumpool演唱的,從那首開始,我就開始留意flumpool的音樂了.flumpool裡面的主唱隆太聲線非常的獨特,溫柔再帶一點悲傷,這也是另我喜歡上flumpool的原因。創作音樂能力方面真是不是蓋的,短短的出道三年已經創作了非常多很好聽的歌.下面幾首是他們從出道以來的主打歌..當然還有些好聽的不在這邊..還是希望你們去支持/down他們的專輯ep來聽聽. 991~


成名曲 bloody monday 主題曲

第二張專輯 unreal的第二主打.

Dear mr.mrs 2009ep

2009 ep : 星願


Saturday, October 30, 2010

國產野,冇好野... TM公司好好野

Today , my connection was suck and i pick up my handphone.. insert 100

TM : Selamat datang ke TM untuk bahasa malayu tekan 1 for english press 2
me : 2
TM : For service fault press 1 for internet press 2 for bla bla bla
me : 2
TM : TM inform certain area ............. upgrading , for billing enquiry press 1 for payment press 2 , for other  services press 3
me : 3
TM : Transfer to staff , Hi sir , you are calling tm net ( if not ? )
me : I like to ask why my internet connection so slow ?
TM : Sir , can i have your name ? (steady staff)
me : 991
TM : Mr.9 can i have your streamyx id ?
me :
TM : Ok , please wait for awhile
me : fast!
TM : Ok mr.9 can i have your handphone number ?
me : 999
TM : Sir , your connection are no problem.
me : But its very slow and i did speed test and it show only 0.13mbps.
TM : Have u report this through the TM website ?
me : My line too slow and cant go in your website.
TM : Ok , sir you are using wireless or lan cable
me : wireless
TM : sir , can u plug your computer to LAN ?
me : ok wait , i plug in now.
TM : Take your time sir (she enjoying for solving our problem )
me : done
TM : Ok sir , can i have our wireless model number ?
me : belkin-tlk2991
TM : Ok sir , wait me write a report for you.
[music] after 3min
TM : Sir , thk for waiting and i already wrote the report and sent to the fix/repair department.
me : and ?
TM : Sir pls remember and copy down this code and later you should give this code to the staff at fix department and they will fix for you. 19920399102
me : ok
TM : Ok sir , i will now transfer your line to our fix department.
[Welcome to TM , please apply our bla bla bla for discount......]
after 7min.
still gv me hear song,
wait more 2min.. doooooooooooo line terminate.

First ,i like to thank TM for giving me hear nice song and advertisement. TM is such a nice company with brilliant staff and awesome efficient.
When your line was suck and slow ,I highly recommend u straight go for tm point and face to face with those staff and make sure your problem are solve in the same time. 991~

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ipoh Hospital Fail

Our Malaysia 1st large religion Islam and their place of pray - "Masjid"  was build in front of hospital ipoh.
Great rite ? our kindly islamic everyday help those injury keep praying and praying, and those injury will wake 5/6am everyday and hear islamic sing and song.
Seriously , this was a big fail for building a masjid in front of hospital.. why islam council are so clever to do that  ?  Or they really did not know this will disturbing injury to rest or they really want Islamic pray for injury for getting well soon.. i think 1 thing for sure is.. if i was a injury i will leave this hospital as fast as possible. 991~

Advantage :
Can always enjoy their song  if you know their language.
U can think another positive side, those prayer in masjid is pray for u.
U no need to worry about super neutral like ghost , vampire or other else.

Disadvantage :
None ! Government or Islamic say yes and you cant say no @

[崇韓分享] 時代美女 - 林允兒(Im Yoon A)

Let`s talk about Yoona.

允儿是少女时代中最先露面并给大家深刻印象的成员,有着漂亮侧面的允儿在东方神起的MV亮相后引起了不小关注,随后紧跟的各种CF和平面杂志拍摄给允儿带 来了经验的积累。允儿是个直率明朗的孩子,虽然年纪小小但人却十分老成稳重,在少女时代没有确定队长前被认定为LEADER的可能性最大人选。在她长长的 经历表上累计了她的努力,虽然歌舞并不是允儿的强项,但是她仍然踏实的为少女时代贡献着她自己的力量,是少女时代不可或缺的成员。
从YoonA长长的履历表中可以看到,这个女孩的确很幸运。不但有着清纯娴静的外貌,也有众多女生羡慕的高挑纤细的身材;无论是出道前后都是星光满满的阵势...看起来,似乎幸运之神就是喜欢眷顾她不是么? 上帝只眷顾有准备的努力的人,YoonA在2001年就进入SM公司接受艺人训练,曾经有 200多次试镜的经历,每天要接受五个小时以上的歌曲舞蹈和演技训练。练习跳舞,高跟鞋磨破了脚就贴上胶布继续练。“去年的修学旅行没有去,看着班级同学 的合影,真的很遗憾。为了成为少女时代放弃了很多,最大的就是学校生活,还有自由。”她拥有的不仅仅是幸运,还有认真努力的上进心。 在电视剧《你是我的命运》中,允儿凭借亮眼的表现得到了业内的好评,得到了当年的新人赏和人气赏。 凭借天资和努力,相信她在歌手和演员的道路上一定都取得更大的成功。年纪轻轻就拿到了KBS演技大赏 女子部门新人赏及人气奖,主演了2部电视剧,是少女时代中的演技代表。在剧组虚心的像前辈学习,拍摄间隙 一有时间也顾不得休息去向前辈演员讨教,得到了很高的评价。拍摄结束时,给剧组每一个工作人员都用心写了感谢信,当时她要兼顾歌手的活动,每天只睡2,3 小时,电视剧也取得了年度最高的收视率,但她仍谦逊的做好每一件事,这样的细节往往更让人感动。允兒跟隨少女時代出來許多專輯和EP,也參與了許許多多的音樂節目,現在允兒為少女時代HOOT跑節目和宣傳. 林   允   兒  加油!  991~

[好康介绍]Real Rock 真正的摇滚 X - JAPAN !

由於他們代表作太多,上次只介紹了forever love 給你們..雖然他們出道有正30年了..剛剛開完2010演唱會..但我還是要介紹kurenei和 last live給你們,因為實在實在太棒了.對我而言搖滾精神就是把對世界自己的看法用喉嚨喊出來,不要在意其他人的看法,就是做自己! 991~


Thursday, October 28, 2010

[原創]Girl Generation 少女時代 HOOT 拉弓舞正式發射 !![第三篇]

終於出啦!sment在330pm馬來西亞時間正是發布少女時代hoot MV,還特地找來了Super Junior SiWonChoi客串 ,這次少時嘗試了許多造型 , 顛覆了一般韓國以黑配白,用彩色,金 和黑紅的服裝,相當的出色 ! 我個人喜歡金色那套xD. 這次MV的舞蹈少時又才用了射箭和拉弓的動作融合進了舞蹈,相信又有一班毒男毒女搶着要來跳了..個人勸你們想跳的還是省點吧.這個MV當中個人覺得允兒,Yuri和sooyong最為漂亮 ,當然jessc和抽隊長也不差. 991~

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